13 Revolutionary Quotes on the Evils of Imperialism

“The example of our revolution and the lessons it applies for Latin America have destroyed all coffee house theories; we have demonstrated that a small group of men supported by the people and without fear of dying can overcome a disciplined regular army and defeat it.” – Ernesto Che Guevara

10 thoughts

  1. Great quotes…..I like a quote I once read by Hugo Chavez…..”Racism is very characteristic of imperialism. Racism is very characteristic of capitalism.” chuq

    1. You have to scroll down and click on the numbers. The layout makes it kind of confusing on the phone which is annoying. (Also I’m not sure why WordPress added this comment in spam.) 😢

      1. How strange. I can see them all perfectly now, but when I first came there was only the one–I did scroll down.
        Did you make these memes yourself? Pretty impressive. . .

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