75 Years Ago, The Soviet Union Saved the World from Hitler’s Nazi Regime

Raising a Flag over the Reichstag. Photographed by Yevgeny Khaldei upon the Soviet victory over the Nazis in Berlin.

According to the widely propagated American narrative, World War II was won by the brave and heroic sacrifice of US soldiers who selflessly signed up or were drafted to fight against fascism in Europe. Americans got involved in this war for altruistic reasons and, had it not been for their entrance into the war, Europe would have been ruled in perpetuity by the murderous Nazi regime. Had the U.S. (with a little bit of help from its European allies) not come to the rescue, the narrative goes, the Third Reich would have succeeded in ruling Europe from Britain in the west to Russia in the east. This is a fabrication of history. Fascism fell not at the hands of the Americans, but as a consequence of the immense man-power and determination of the Russians and the Red Army of the Soviet Union. An astounding 90% of all Nazis who met their end in WWII were killed by the Soviets. The much-hyped “D-day” in which the Americans and the British opened up a second-front against Hitler in the west in June, 1944 was of overall little significance to the outcome of the war, as the German army by that time was retreating to Berlin with the Soviets hot on their trail. In Russia the vicious invasion of the Nazis and their defeat by the brave men and women who took up arms is known as the Great Patriotic War, and May 7th will mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe.

The numbers of Russians and other citizens of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) who lost their lives during the Great Patriotic War are mind-blowing, as are the amount of Nazis who died trying to eliminate the Soviet Union and its people from existence. For every American killed fighting the Nazis, 80 soldiers of the Red Army died doing the same. 27 million Soviets paid the ultimate price to stop the ruthless German war machine, around 18 million of them civilians. That’s 27 million of a total population at the time of 193 million. 60% of all households lost a family member fighting in the war. By contrast, less than 500,000 Americans lost their lives throughout the entire World War with Germany and Japan. The amount of lives, or the ‘butcher’s bill’ as historian Max Hastings calls it, paid by the Red Army would amount to a mind-boggling 95% of all military casualties between the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States in the fight against Hitler’s fascist army. The Nazis, with their insatiable appetite for destruction, burned more than 200 cities and 9,000 villages in the USSR to the ground. It would not be an exaggeration to state that what the Soviet Union and its people experienced during WWII was like nothing the world had ever seen before or since. It was not only the Soviets who would suffer a large amount of casualties in the war on the Eastern Front, however. The German Army would meet its match in the Red Army, which was responsible for 90% of all German casualties during WWII. Of the 13.5 million Germans who were killed, wounded or taken as prisoners of war during the vicious war the German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler waged, 10 million of those were at the hands of the Soviet Union. According to Oliver Stone in his documentary series, The Untold History of the United States, “the Soviets were regularly battling more than 200 German divisions. In contrast the Americans and the British, fighting in the Mediterranean, rarely confronted more than 10 German divisions.”  The Nazis lost more 6 million soldiers fighting the Red Army, opposed to the 1 million it lost fighting the Americans and the British (along with French partisans) on the Western Front.

Soviet poster: Death to the Fascist Monster!

Why were the Nazis, in their war on the Eastern Front, so much more brutal, vicious and murderous than they were in the war on the Western Front? The answer is undoubtedly found in the fascist ideology of the Nazi regime itself. Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of Nazi Germany, saw Eastern Europe as lebensraum or living space where the “superior” Aryan race could colonize the land and create a vast empire for the purest race. This of course entailed the elimination or enslavement of what were deemed the racially impure races of men in Poland and the Soviet Union, chief among them the millions of Jews and the tens of millions of Slavic peoples (Slavs), the latter of which made up the vast majority of the USSR’s population. Racial-mixing, according to Hitler, was an evil that brought about the end of civilization. Those not of the Aryan stock had to be exterminated. To get rid of them the German Army launched a plan to completely depopulate a huge territory of Eastern Europe and parts of Asia. Reich Minister of the Interior Heinrich Himmler’s General Plan for the East outlined a savage scheme for the extermination of 80 million people to make way for the Germans to not only inhabit Russian land, but to take their resources as well, primarily oil. In the words of one SS-Oberfuhrer in early 1941 before the Soviet invasion, “In Russia, all cities and cultural sites including the Kremlin, are to be razed to the ground; Russia is to be reduced to the level of a nation of peasants, from which there is no return.” On the eve of the invasion, Hitler issued what was known as the Commissar Order which stated, “In this battle [against Bolshevism] it would be a mistake to show mercy or respect for international law towards such elements… The barbaric, Asiatic fighting methods are originated by the commissars… Therefore, when they are picked up in battle or resistance, they are, as a matter of principle, to be finished immediately with a weapon.” It was, for all intents and purposes, a war of complete annihilation in which both soldier and civilian were to be executed on sight.

WWII poster: Hitler the man-eater

As far as Europe was concerned, World War II began in September, 1939 when the Nazis quickly overpowered Poland, and France and Britain declared war on Nazi Germany. (Germany already invaded Austria in 1938. They followed by conquering Czechoslovakia the subsequent year.) The Western nations, however, were not blameless when it came to the expansion of fascism in Europe, far from it. When Italian fascist Benito Mussolini invaded Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1935, it was met with silence in the West. Hitler, witnessing this indifference, decided in 1936 to invade and occupy the Rhineland.  The U.S. government meanwhile did not lift a finger to stop the Hitler-backed fascists during the Spanish Civil War (though tens of thousands of American leftists certainly did), and in fact looked the other way as U.S.-based companies provided financial support to the fascist military dictator General Francisco Franco. Such actions on the part of the U.S. and Western Europe convinced Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin that they in fact had no interest in stopping fascism in its tracks. As early as 1934, when the Soviet Union formally joined the League of Nations, Stalin had pleaded with Britain and France to present a United Front against fascism, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. In Stalin’s eyes, he had to act to prevent what he feared most, a German-Polish alliance to invade the Soviet Union. On August 23, 1939 he signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a nonaggression pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. It would prove to be a great source of controversy with Communists all over the world. What it was not, however, was a clear alliance between the two ideologically opposed nations, as Western historians still portray it to this very day. Aside from the fact that Stalin had already proposed an alliance with France and Britain 5 years earlier, the fact is that it was the Soviet Union that Hitler had set out to destroy from the very beginning. Hitler was first and foremost a fervent anti-communist. As early as the 1920s, years before he rose to become the German Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler defined the Nazi movement as a movement to destroy what he referred to as “Jewish Bolshevism”. The Nazis were to first seek to destroy communism in Germany and then the world. According to League of Nations official Carl J. Burckhardt, Hitler once told him that “everything he undertook was directed at Russia… if the West [i.e. the French and the British] is too stupid and too blind to comprehend this, he would be forced to reach an understanding with the Russians, turn and defeat the West, and then turn back with all his strength to strike a blow against the Soviet Union.” In all likelihood Stalin realized this and believed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact would buy time for the Soviet Union to build up its defense.

In the early stages of the war, it wasn’t at all clear if the West was really as opposed to fascism as they were to communism. According to Clara Weiss in a book review on the World Socialist Web Site, “For the bourgeoisie in America and Great Britain, the crimes of the Nazis paled in comparison to the ‘crime’ of the Russian working class in overthrowing Tsarism and capitalism in 1917 and thus removing vast portions of the globe from the immediate orbit of world imperialism. In their anticommunism and their goal of dismembering the Soviet Union, they found common ground with the Nazis.” In fact much of the oil used in the Nazi war effort was purchased from U.S. corporations. According to Mumia Abu Jamal and Stephen Vittoria in Book Two of their three-part series, Murder Incorporated: Empire, Genocide and Manifest Destiny, Standard Oil, Ford Motors, ITT and General Motors all provided materials to assist the German war effort. From 1939-1940, this assistance fueled the German Blitzkrieg, overpowering one nation after the next: Poland, Denmark, Belgium, France, Romania, Greece, and Yugoslavia. As for the Soviet Union, Hitler believed it to be a “giant with feet of clay” and the Red Army to be “not more than a joke.” The British concurred, with one Secret Service agent predicting that the Soviet Union would be “liquidated within eight to ten weeks.”

The invasion of the Soviet Union by the Nazi regime came in the early morning hours of June 22, 1941 in what was called Operation Barbarossa, when an army of 3.7 million Germans and their allies (anti-communist nationalists from Romania, Hungary and Slovakia which fought under the Nazi flag) invaded from the Artic all the way down to the Black Sea using “600,000 motor vehicles, 3,648 tanks, more than 2,700 planes, and just over 7,000 pieces of artillery.” Stalin’s military build-up did not appear to have been very effective at all, and when he first received news of the invasion he disbelieved it, dismissing it as yet another case of British misinformation. He was dreadfully wrong.

Millions were slaughtered by the Nazis and nationalist militias in the horrifying Operation Barbarossa

The Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic fell in the summer of 1941 and was ground zero for some of the most savage brutality by the Nazis during the entire war. Everything from rape to burning to hanging to mass starvation was employed. An estimated 4.2 million Ukrainians were starved to death by the Nazis in a 3 year period from 1941-1944. Soviet Jews, unsurprisingly, became target #1 for the ire of the Nazis and their nationalist allies. Hitler equated war on Marxism with war against Jews, and blamed all of Germany’s problems from 1914 onward on Jews and communism. According to historian Leonid Rein, “For the Nazis, the main bearers of the Communist ideology were Jews. The millions of Jews living in the invaded territory were seen as the very embodiment of the proverbial Jewish Bolshevism dominating the Soviet state… Thus, the extermination of Soviet Jewry was perceived not merely as the annihilation of a racial enemy, but also as a precondition to achieving Nazi geopolitical goals in the east.” One of the bloodiest known massacres occurred in October, 1941 in Odessa, Ukraine, where 35,000 Jews were systematically killed. They were shoved into wooden buildings while grenades were thrown at them and their bodies riddled with bullets. Others were set on fire in the harbor square. In Lithuania, in the first six months after invasion, 180,000 out of 220,000 Jews were eliminated. The entire Jewish population of Estonia was completely wiped out by the end of the year, as was true in the eastern part of Belarus. Over 1 million Soviet Jews were killed from 1941-1942, before the Holocaust (in which 9 million people were systematically eliminated, 6 million of them Jews) had even begun.

Soviet Prisoners of War taken by the Germans were subjected to the most horrifyingly depraved treatment imaginable, starved to the point of no recognition. They had to desperately fight for every last scrap of food or water, and in the most extreme circumstances some were driven to cannibalism. 60% of all Soviet POWs captured by Nazis during the war died in captivity (compared with 4% of American and British POWs held captive by the Nazis). Of the 3.3 million POWs who died mainly of starvation, 2 million of them died before February, 1942, 7 months into the war.

The response to all this bloodshed by some in the United States was quite treacherous. While some proposed opening up a second front against the fascists, others, such as then-Senator (and future President) Harry S. Truman declared, “If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia. And if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany. That way let them kill as many as possible.”

The Siege of Leningrad

Hundreds of thousands of Red Army soldiers were killed as the Nazis made their way to Moscow in what at first appeared to be a “cake-walk.” A few months after the invasion, the Nazis had captured a landmass double their own country’s size. Hitler remarked that his army was fighting “against an enemy who, I must say, does not consist of human beings but of animals or beasts. We have now seen what Bolshevism can make of human beings.” The cake-walk the Nazis predicted was not to be, however. Unlike France and Belgium had done in 1940, the Soviet Union did not mass all its forces at the border to meet the invaders. Instead most were stationed in the rear to buy time and frustrate the Nazi war effort. Old men and everyday women took up heavy shovels and dug a huge trap into the earth for German tanks to fall in, halting them from advancing to the Russian capital. The Russian resistance was unlike anything the Nazis had ever seen before. Soviets “went into hiding in the vast Pripet Marshes and elsewhere, organized deadly partisan warfare, and threatened long and vulnerable German lines of communication.” Nazis were taken aback by the strength of Soviet weaponry such as the katyusha rocket launcher and the T-34 tank. German diarist Victor Klemperer noted in his diary on July 13, 1941, “We have underestimated the Russians.” In fact, the Nazis were unable to reach the outskirts of Moscow until November, 1941 when they came as close to 30 kilometers. By the next month, they were on the defensive after the Red Army “launched a major, well-prepared counter-attack. On December 8, Hitler essentially ordered his army to abandon the offensive and to move into defensive positions.” The German people were of course kept in the dark about the inevitability of their demise. Many historians wrongly pin the turning point of the war to have been at Stalingrad more than a year later. The truth is that it was there on the outskirts of Moscow in December, 1941 that the myth of the invincibility of the Nazi war machine was shattered forever.

While the Battle of Moscow was still raging in September, 1941, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin openly pleaded with the West to open up a second front against Nazi Germany in northern France. After the decisive battle of Moscow in December, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt acknowledged that “the Russian armies are killing more Axis personnel and destroying more Axis materiel than all the other 25 united nations put together.” He promised to open up a second front against Germany by the end of 1942. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had other plans. He convinced President Roosevelt to delay opening up a second front and to instead invade North Africa where Britain’s colonial empire was being challenged by the Nazis. For the British Empire, nothing was more important than preserving access to the oil-rich lands of Southwest Asia (the ‘Middle East’) and their giant colony in India. In fact, the U.S. and Great Britain would not open up a second front in Europe until the much-hyped ‘D-Day’ landing in Normandy on June 6, 1944 – an entire year and a half after first promised. By that time, the German Army would be in retreat and the Soviet Red Army would be fighting its way to Berlin to crush them once and for all.

From September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944, nearly 2 ½ years, the city of Leningrad was besieged by the Nazis and placed under a cruel embargo, in what many historians classify as a brutal act of genocide. Of a population of 2.5 million people, only 800,000 survived. Most died from starvation. Others perished from disease and exposure. Even when given the chance to flee, most did not. They would stay and defend their homeland from the fascist invaders. By late 1942, the U.S. was coming through with its lend-lease program, which would amount to about $11 billion in weaponry over the course of WWII delivered to the Soviets (though this was still much smaller than the $31 billion granted the Great Britain). According to Oliver Stone, “To fight the German war machine almost 2,000 new factories were built… By 1943 the Soviet Union was the equal to any industrial power in Europe. It was now able to out-produce Germany itself.”

The Battle of Stalingrad was the most epic and intense battle of WWII

Finally, the most intense battle of the entire war – and all human history – came in the third quarter of 1942 and lasted more than 5 months as the Nazis pushed towards the oil-rich region of Baku. To get there, they’d have to get through the city of Stalingrad. In the Battle of Stalingrad, the German war machine more than met its match. From August-January, the Nazis lost nearly 500,000 troops, which is more than either the British or the Americans lost in the entire war. Stalin delivered what was known as the “Not one step backward” order which held that anyone retreating from battle would be treated as a traitor to the Motherland and liquidated on the spot. The end came in early February, 1943 when the Nazis surrendered what little remained of their 6 Army.

After their humiliating defeat at Stalingrad, the Wehrmacht was in full retreat. The Red Army pursued the fleeing fascists and one by one fought to liberate the ghastly Nazi concentration camps. As they did, they notified the world of the horrors they uncovered. The first of these camps to be liberated were in Poland, beginning with Majdanek in the country’s east in July, 1944, followed by Belzec, Chelmo, Sobibor and Treblinka. On January 27, 1945, the Soviet Red Army liberated the most notorious extermination camp of all, Auschwitz Birkenau. Thousands of Red Army soldiers would die fighting even as they were approaching the camps, fired on by guards who undoubtedly hoped to conceal their crimes against humanity from the rest of the world. Geoffrey Roberts writes in the Irish Examiner, “When it came to describing Majdanek the Soviet writer and journalist, Konstantin Simonov, warned his readers its horrors were beyond human imagination and comprehension; not simply another scene of atrocities but the site of systematic murder on a massive scale.” At Auschwitz, writes Roberts, what the Soviets found “shocked even their battle-hardened sensibilities. Few among the 8,000 survivors were able to talk or move let alone welcome the Soviets… In the children’s barracks there were only two survivors, the rest gassed or dead as subjects of horrific medical experiments.” They came across the horrific gas chambers built to look like showering rooms where countless people were gassed to death, their bodies then sent to the crematories to be turned into ash. Colonel Anatoly Pavlovich Shapiro, a Ukrainian-born Jew who was among the first of the Red Army officers to enter the camps upon liberation, recalled, “I had seen many innocent killed. I had seen hanged people. I had seen burned people. But I was still unprepared for Auschwitz.” The Nazis finally surrendered on May 2, 1945 after an epic and bloody battle for Berlin, a battle in which the Soviets fought the Nazis single-handedly.

Soviet Red Army soldiers liberate Auschwitz and uncover the monstrous crimes of the Nazi regime.

Today, the myth that the Soviet Union was not the main engine of the Nazis’ defeat is as prevalent as ever. As the Cold War intensified between the U.S. and the Soviet Union after WWII, the butcher’s bill paid by the Soviet Union and her people was intentionally downplayed in the West. Despite the enormous sacrifice of the Red Army and the Russian people, only 13% of Europeans (excluding the Russians themselves) believe the Red Army played a significant role in defeating the Nazis at all. 43% believe Western propaganda that suggests the Americans played the biggest role in liberating Europe from fascism in World War II. The time has come for the Soviet Union and the brave men and women of the Red Army to be honored in the West for the enormous sacrifices they made rescuing the world from fascism.

35 thoughts

  1. thank you on behalf of my grandfather, who went through the entire war with the Soviet army, returned all wounded and ill, and died a few months after the victory

  2. For those of you who are saying that “no one is saying the Americans and British did it all alone”, the White House is literally saying just that.

  3. I am not a history major, nor would I claim to know much about WWII but the little I learned in high school. But I do know that no nation won the war single-handedly. My father fought alongside the French and received a pension from the French government until he died in 2015. The war was won through a conjunction of forces from various continents.

  4. A few thoughts…

    1st Paragraph: Sure, you will find ignorant and uninformed people that will make these types of statements, that the US single handedly won WWII. But you’ll also find people, and there is probably a big overlap in these two groups, who couldn’t find Washington DC on a map, thought the American Revolution was fought to free the slaves, and that Napoleon ruled the Roman Empire. I don’t think you will find anyone among even casual students of history that would make this argument.

    At the same time, this author goes too far in the other direction, that the war in Europe was won entirely by the Soviet Union. We’ll get into those points a little later, but for now let’s just keep in mind that absolutist statements are almost always wrong in history.

    2nd Paragraph: Yes, the number of Soviet citizens, both in uniform and civilian, killed in WWII is astounding. But the author makes no attempt to explain how that number is so high. On the one hand it is due to the racial policies of N 1st Paragraph: Sure, you will find ignorant and uninformed people that will make these types of statements, that the US single handedly won WWII. But you’ll also find people, and there is probably a big overlap in these two groups, who couldn’t find Washington DC on a map, thought the American Revolution was fought to free the slaves, and that Napoleon ruled the Roman Empire. I don’t think you will find anyone among even casual students of history that would make this argument.

    At the same time, this author goes too far in the other direction, that the war in Europe was won entirely by the Soviet Union. We’ll get into those points a little later, but for now let’s just keep in mind that absolutist statements are almost always wrong in history.

    2nd Paragraph: Yes, the number of Soviet citizens, both in uniform and civilian, killed in WWII is astounding. But the author makes no attempt to explain how that number is so high. On the one hand it is due to the racial policies of Nazi Germany, but not to be discounted was the terrible leadership of Stalin and the Politburo when it came to questions of military strategy and operations.

    The millions of Soviets captured when they were needlessly told to defend to the last man speak to this bankrupt leadership. Unlike the Western Allies, who generally sought to preserve the lives of their soldiers when possible, Soviet leadership was all too ready to simply throw poorly equipped and trained soldiers at the German war machine. When you send penal battalions to clear minefields by setting off the mines with their bodies you start to get the picture that the lives of soldiers was not at all important to Soviet leadership.

    Also, citing Oliver Stone and his documentary as your primary source for figures is suspect at best. In addition the quote is misleading, the Western Allies were not just operating in the Mediterranean, but also tied down many armies in France, the Balkans, and Norway with the threat of invasion.

    3rd Paragraph: The reference to the Commissar Order in this context is a dubious one at best. The point of the Commissar order was to eliminate Communist ideologues, but there is no mention of this in this Communist apologist’s writing. Rather he fixates on the racial aspects, which did exist, but you can’t simply then ignore other aspects when it’s inconvenient.

    4th Paragraph: Here we come to one of the most inconvenient truths that this author has chosen to ignore entirely. You will not find one mention in this propaganda piece about the Soviet invasion of Poland and the Baltic states in concert with the Nazi’s in 1939. Curious how this issue is studiously avoided!

    Hitler was only able to invade the West because he knew that his Eastern flank in Poland was secure from any threat by the Soviet Union for the time being. Stalin, by aiding Hitler in seizing Poland, and also by entering a non-agression pact made a strategic blunder of the highest order. With France taken out of the equation, and the UK restricted to its islands, there was no way that they could serve as a check to Germany when it then turned and invaded the Soviet Union. Hitler was very successfully able to divide and conquer his enemies through the stupidity of Stalin.

    5th Paragraph: In mentioning Western companies, there is no mention of the assistance that Germany received in the 1920’s in re starting their tank forces from the Soviet Union, German officers went on covert training missions to the Soviet Union at this time. There is likewise no talk about the literal trainloads full of material that were sent from the Soviet Union to Germany following the Non – Aggression Pact. These trainloads were still rumbling towards Germany right up to the day of the launch of Barbarossa.

    Also, this quote rings hollow “For the bourgeoisie in America and Great Britain, the crimes of the Nazis paled in comparison to the ‘crime’ of the Russian working class in overthrowing Tsarism and capitalism in 1917 and thus removing vast portions of the globe from the immediate orbit of world imperialism.” Yes, of course in the pre war period the Soviet Union seemed more evil than Nazi Germany. That’s because the Soviet Union had already shown its true colors with the persecution of its citizens, religion, artificial famines, prison camps, and death squads. It was only after the war that the depth of Nazi crimes were revealed, but let’s remember that many of these were not known in their entirety until only after the war.

    6th Paragraph: Finally, one that speaks some truth. The defenders of the Non-Agression pact will say that Stalin used the time bought by it to further prepare the Soviet Union for the impending German invasion. If this was the case I have yet to see who those preparations in any way made the opening stages of the war any better for the Soviets. From June to December 1941 it was an unmitigated disaster, with millions of Soviet soldiers either killed or captured.

    7th Paragraph: Following up what could have been the start of a promising dalliance with the truth, the author veers right back into avoiding inconvenient truths. Mention is made of the horrible conditions and famine that occurred in the Ukraine during the war, but not one word at all of the equally horrible famine that was artificially produced by the Soviets in the very same Ukraine.

    8th Paragraph: Again, no mention is made of the horrible treatment faced by the German POW’s in Soviet hands. Another example of the whole truth not being talked about to make a propaganda point.

    9th Paragraph: Nothing really to say here. The first paragraph actually in this whole article, a fact I feel obligated to mention myself!

    10th Paragraph: ” Unlike France and Belgium had done in 1940, the Soviet Union did not mass all its forces at the border to meet the invaders.” Wow, I don’t even know what to do with that one. It shows a complete lack of understanding of both the geography of France and Belgium, that simply does not allow a defense in depth as afforded the Soviet Union. Millions of Soviets were stationed at the border, how else were so many captured and killed? It wasn’t that the Soviets kept most of their forces back, it was that they had the months of time bought by the huge distances involved to raise entirely new armies.

    11th Paragraph: The author again clearly shows an almost comical lack of understanding to the basics of understanding war, and that is the issue of logistics. Of course it took years for the West to open a 2nd front. Almost every bullet, bomb, tank, soldier, drop of oil, and can of food used by the US army had to be carried across the Atlantic Ocean. This necessitated a huge buildup of cargo ships to cary those supplies, naval ships to guard those cargo ships from submarine attack, and most importantly building the actual landing craft needed to launch that attack. None of this ship building can be carried out instantaneously, nor even in a matter of months. The simple question of available landing craft, landing craft whose production numbers also had to be shared with the Pacific theater, more than anything else dictated when the 2nd front in Western Europe could conceivably be opened.

    In the meantime it’s not as if the Western Allies were sitting on their assess and shooting dice! The strategic bombing campaigns by the British and US air forces severely limited the industrial output of Germany, hindered movement, tied down the German air force, and destroyed eventually all of the oil production needed to run a mechanized war.

    In addition the fighting in North Africa and Italy isn’t even mentioned in occupying German resources.

    12th Paragraph: The author again discounts the questions of geography when involved in Lend-Lease. It is simply put easier for a ship to sail from NYC to Liverpool with its cargo than for a ship to sail from NYC to Murmansk, and infinitely more dangerous besides. Despite the logistical difficulties, over 7,000 armored vehicles were delivered to the Soviet Union, and over 11,000 aircraft. Again, Oliver Stone is no reputable historian to hang your hat on.

  5. Never met anyone who denies the massive Soviet part in the Allied final victory.
    But as for supposedly winning it single-handed…
    That’s about as patronising as the comment about the war starting in September 1939 “as far as Europe was concerned”; the only people who disagree are usually revisionist Americans with an agenda. Having spent decades telling us the war supposedly started on 7/12/1941, they’ve now decided it was actually China in 1937…or was it Manchuria in 1931? Wish they’d make their minds up.

    1. I totally agree that the war started when Japan invaded China, which is why I said “as far as Europe was concerned.” And I’m wondering if you live in the U.S.? I assure you that most people here are under the impression that the U.S. was the main architect of winning the war which is why I wrote this.

      1. The USA were the “Johnny-come-latelys”, but neither the USSR or the UK could have done without the army supplies supplied by the USA.

  6. A good look at the history. I think it would have been different if the Japanese had helped a little along the Sine-Russian border….Stalin would not have had 3 million men at his immediate disposal. chuq

    1. You have a point there. My main reason for writing this was because so many people are trying to completely dismiss what the Soviet Union and the Russians did in WWII. There has been a concerted effort in the West to completely revise history.

          1. The USSR, with its captive Soviet bloc countries, was more of an “empire” than the US has ever been, genius.

        1. Stay with that. I and many others are sure that the Soviets, – at least in the European theatre of war, only needed supplies (the lend lease programme of which the British received a disproportionate portion) to prevail over the Nazis. The US and Britain refused to open a second front in the West until the Soviets annihilated the German army (Eastern) in the Battle of Bagration, but fearing a swift Russian advance. Stalin, may have been a brutal leader, but was a good ally. He slowed his advance for several months so that Western allies to effect the DDay landings, and at the end, gave 3/4 of Berlin and other German territory to Britain France and US. Do you think this would have happened if the position was reversed.

          1. Thank you for your comment and taking the time to read. I absolutely don’t believe the the Americans and British would have been willing to do the same if the situation were reversed.

      1. I don’t think anyone is trying to dismiss Soviet contribution to the war effort – but it’s just that Hollywood is ‘stronger’ and thus the Americans (in particular) get their message across. In fact, as a British national whose family is from Bangladesh, we see even here in the UK how the British Indian Army – made up almost entirely of Indians (which include Pakistanis and Bangladeshis) have been almost eliminated from history. In the recent movie “Dunkirk”, not one Indian soldier was seen. The same applies for the French. You wouldn’t know that 50% of the French Army were from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Senegal plus other ‘African’ colonies.

        So, until there’s a determined effort to create documentaries and other war stories by the movie and film industry on the level that Hollywood, HBO and Netflix creates, then I’m afraid that the only people who fought in the war will remain white people from the West.

        1. Thank you so much for sharing this. It reminds of an article I read a few years back about the complete whitewashing that occurred in the movie ‘Dunkirk’ as you have just mentioned. https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/08/08/dunkirk-a-whitewashed-version-of-history-that-ignores-the-bravery-of-black-and-muslim-soldiers/
          I suppose that is one of the benefits as far as the Americans are concerned of having Hollywood. They get to make themselves the heroes and the center of every historical event.

  7. Important history, Caleb. It’s my understanding the reason the Allies delayed the Normandy Invasion so long is because they wanted the Soviet Union to undertake the bulk of the action and the bulk of mortality.

      1. The whole story and your comments are by (you) an American-Communist propagandist. The only reason Russia fought the Germans was so they wouldn’t be annihilated, as the Germans attacked them, violating the non-aggression pact between the two countries.

  8. Hey Caleb, a great history lesson about WWII. Too bad history in America is about brainwashing and solidifying stereotypes. I’ll never understand why people go to war over ideology or religion.

    1. Thank you, Angela. I have been doing reading about the World Wars lately and they were absolutely NOTHING like what I remember being taught in school. I remember being taught that dropping the A-bombs was necessary to win the war, when in reality Japan was already defeated when those horrible weapons of mass destruction were so cruelly dropped on civilian populations. https://ushypocrisy.com/2015/08/15/the-nuking-of-hiroshima-and-nagasaki-70-years-later-images/

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